curriculum vitae

Name: Melissa Lindskär

Born: October 29th, 1985, Sweden

Occupation: UX-design student

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in my bagage

Title of education: Bachelor Science in Informatics.
Graduation: Expected graduation, June 2025.
Title of program: Interactiondesign
University: Linnéuniversitet, Kalmar, Sweden.
Title of education: Bachelor Science in Sociology.
Graduation: 6th of June 2012.
Title of program: Samhällsvetenskapliga programmet.
University: Blekinge Tekniska Högskola (BTH), Karlskrona.
Graduated from High School (Gymnasiet) in 2004. 
Program: Tradingprogram. Includes marketing, webmanagment and leadership.
Extracurricular Activities: 
Small business owner, Kaylee Design.
Position: Investigation specialist
Timeline: April 2020 – Ongoing
Employer: Karlskrona kommun, Karlskrona, Blekinge.
Jobdescription: Investigating the legal right to housing adjustment allowance to citizens within the County.  In this role it´s importnant to act as the spider in the net due to a lot of different contacts, both internal and external. It involves investigating which circumstances applies to e.g. lift in stairwells and which law that needs to be taken in consideration in this specific situation. External contacts could be with e.g. fire authority, landlords, applicants and contractors. The job can be very complex since a lot of cicrumstances needs to take in consideration, amongst the constantly developing in the Swedish laws and guidelines in the different sectors that can affect the specific situation. I feel that my previous experiences have given me a great perspective on what it means to work in both small and larger teams and how to multitask between different assignments

Position: Insurance agent
Timeline: March 2018 – April 2019
Employer: Försäkringskassan, Karlskrona, Blekinge
Jobdescription: Working as an insurance investigator within sickness benefits involves a lot of contact with the insured, employers. authorities and also colleagues within the authority. I assessed and determined the right to sickness benefit based on the law. It is an authority where changes is consistant, which means high demands on being able to change the way you work and find other ways to reach your goals – high flexibility is necessary. Assesing and deciding on the right to sickness benefit is about having a strategic and well-worked investigation method. Furthermore, dealing with and meeting people in a vulnerable situation is an everyday task, which is why it is importnant to have a professional attitude and clarity in my message.

Position: Agent at the Enforcement agency
Timeline: June 2012 – March 2018
Employer: Kronofogden, Karlskrona, Blekinge
Jobdescription: As a agent at the Swedish  enforcement agency it´s necessary to make fast, mentally tough and legally right decisions.  On a regular basis, often twice a week, I did unannonced home visitations to execute and seize property in order to claim payment for unpaid debt. An agent makes major decisions that effects people’s  finances and privacy due to heavy unpaid debt,  therefore it is important to be able to respond to people in different ways. Empathy and great understanding of other people’s life situations is a must in this profession, but also a great ability to adapt one’s way of working because it is an authority in constant change. From the summer of 2016, I was assigned the role of responsible coordinator for sales for chattels at the Karlskrona office. In short, the role involves being the link between the agents (who seize objects) and our sales team, which is spread out all over the country. Furthermore, it also means that i.a. make new contacts within the authority as well as parties from outside so that the sale and disclosure will go smoothly. 

Swedish – Fluent

English – Proficient

Chinese (Cantonese) – Basic

Position: Dog caretaker

Where: SOS Animals Spain, Malaga

Timeline: September – November 2010

Position: UX-design intern

Where: Art for All, NC

Timeline: Part-time, June 20th 2023 – Ongoing

Through my art business I regularly donate money from sold paintings. 

Charity (non profit) organisations so far:

Kvinna till kvinna

Porrfri barndom

Kvinnojouren Karlskrona


Art for All, NC

Ellas hjältar

Get in Touch

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions, ideas or thoughts you would like to discuss with me.