Course: Design and Concept-visualisation
Duration: Part-time 10 weeks
Tools used: Figma, Adobe Illustrator
Behind the work: Persona created with one fellow student. Report and prototype was a solo act.
THE ASSIGNMENT: was to create an social media platform (I chosed a mobile version), based on criteria from the product owner and also information from quantitative interviews that was collected for me. Together with a fellow student, we analyzed the data and used that information to create an persona, Vera Vilsson, for the product. The production of the prototype was an solo mission using the online tool FIGMA. You can find the final report regarding the persona here. Furthermore you can fins the final report regarding the assignment here. .
Problem statement: Vera Vilsson sometimes experiences emotional obstacles/difficulties in publishing posts on social media even though she likes to create and share content. Furthermore, she believes that the owner should own the rights to their own content that they publish on social media. Today, the existing system does not support her creativity and it also doesn’t support her actions to actually post the creative content she creates, which is an obstacle for her to cross the threshold of actually publishing content. The fact that she also does not know what happens to her content after the post is published on social media platform makes her lack motivation to engage more with her own content on the social media platform that she uses today.
By creating a platform where Vera owns the rights to her content and receives information if it is used for other purposes, it may motivate her to publish creative content even though she occasionally experiences emotional difficulties in publishing. Furthermore, a platform with easy-to-use tools that capture her interests where she can contribute with help to people in need would give her a positive attitude to publish content and also motivate her to publish because it gives her an incentive to share content that would mean something positive to someone in need. These parts would jointly contribute to Vera’s achievement of her goals; who are to experience different things by listening and watching other people’s contents, as well as explore or get information through a social media platform and even the possibility of getting entertainment. Furthermore, her goal is also to be able to keep in touch with friends in a way that she doesn’t feel she can today because she doesn’t feel a commitment to share with her own contents.
2.Gether: 2.Gether is a social platform with a service that enables creators to share their material with others creators and subscribers. The basic idea of the service, is that creators (the users) must be able to receive reasonable compensation for the material they publish on the social media platform. This is a unique service that is missing on the market today – a social media platform where users actually get paid for the content they publish without intermediaries. The user can share content in many different forms, such as music files or videos but also recipes or training schedules. Furthermore, each month the user needs to choose a different account that he or she wants to support. When a user endorses a certain account, it means that every time the endorser watches for example a video clip of the account he or she supports, a certain amount is deducted from the user’s 2.Gether account, the money goes directly to the account that he or she have chosen to support. Another important component of the platform is that it also focuses on finding, creating and designing a positive platform for users with a desire to contribute to others in need. By allowing the user to donate money to non-profit organization, which is generated from the posts he publishes and at the same time can support his or hers creativity
Vision: The new platform – 2.Gether, will help Vera achieve a higher level of engagement and participation in social media platform by creating a design with tools that enable as well as provides a lower threshold for Vera to carry out activities such as publishing her own content without experience emotional barriers as she has done so far. This will mean that 2.Gether ́s users will achieve a high level of usability and ease to use, which leads to satisfied users and higher market shares in the market.
The data behind the product
The data was collected prior for us. We received the raw material and had the opportunity to analyze it carefully and thoroughly.
Below is a few examples of the data. You can find the rest of the data here.

Persona – Vera Vilsson
Uses social platforms to keep in touch with friends and family as well as gather inspiration and update herself on things that interests her.

Persona story
30-year-old Vera’s daily life is intertwined with digital platforms and her smartphone. Her journey to university is an opportunity to enjoy the ocean view and contemplate her future. Her smartphone keeps her connected and inspired, whether it’s through music, photography, or engaging with her favorite content creators.
As she embarks on her studies, Vera’s phone becomes a window to explore her interests and stay connected with her friends. She enjoys the sense of freedom and convenience it offers. Vera is an active observer on various social media platforms, always curious to see what’s happening in her friends’ lives and the world.
Vera’s career aspirations are linked to the IT industry, and she contemplates her path after graduation. Balancing a fulfilling job with the freedom to travel is her ultimate goal. Her smartphone remains her go-to tool for communication and exploration, making it easy for her to envision a future where work and leisure coexist harmoniously.
The day continues with Vera sharing a dream trip photo on Instagram and reaching out to her friends. She values the platform as a means of staying connected and staying updated with friends, even if she doesn’t post frequently. Vera appreciates the simplicity and the ability to engage with her close-knit circle.
Her online journey takes a turn when she discovers that her favorite band has released tickets for their upcoming tour. She immediately shares the news with her friends, initiating a lively discussion about attending the concert.
After a busy day at school, Vera uses her smartphone to unwind and explore her interests on YouTube and Pinterest. She enjoys sharing and learning about her hobbies and occasionally seeks out new creators. Sometimes, she simply wants to have fun, disconnecting from the information overload.
As the evening sets in, Vera stumbles upon a charity donation feature on her social media. She seizes the opportunity and selects an organization close to her heart, making a birthday post. The ability to support causes through her posts resonates deeply with her.
Vera then reflects on the digital content she and others share on social media platforms. She recalls her recent experience with 2Gether, a platform that prioritizes content creator integrity and provides transparency on content usage. While she’s not eager to increase her online presence, she appreciates the idea that creators should be compensated for their work. Vera also values the absence of intrusive ads on platforms like 2Gether.
Vera’s interest in 2Gether leads her to consider subscribing to the platform, especially after the free trial period. The availability of convenient payment options, like Venmo, makes her decision even easier. Vera looks forward to a digital space that respects creators and enhances her online experience.
For Vera, her smartphone is more than just a device; it’s a gateway to creativity, connection, and opportunities to make a positive impact. As she sets her phone aside for the day, she is excited about the possibilities that the digital world offers and the meaningful connections she can continue to foster.

Wireframe and mockup – 2.GETHER

Interactive prototype – 2.GETHER
The prototype can be fully viewed here.
The why of the prototype:
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Areas of improvement:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.