kaylee design
Kayleedesign.se – For those interested in art and interior design.
Course: Design & concept visualization (Part 2 – Prototyping)
Duration: 11 weeks (Part-time for the whole course)
The assigment: For this particular part of the course, the assignment was to design a prototype for a e-commerce website of our own choice. We were introduced to the online tool FIGMA, which also was my first interaction with FIGMA as a tool for creating a interactive prototype for an online art webshop.
Kayleedesign.se: For those interested in art and interior design. The idea was to design a website for an artist that made it acessible for her to showcase and sell her art through an online gallery. The final prototype went through different phases such as sketching, paper prototyping, mock ups and last the interactive prototype.
The sketches is found here. There is also a shorter version of the final interactive prototype here.
Below at display the sketches made for the prototype.*
*The original sketches in unavaible and the quality of the images from the report is poor. The sketches have been redone for the purpose of this portfolio.

Paper prototyping
Below at display is a video of the paper prototype. The physical paper prototyp is no longer available. This video was sent to the teachers for demonstrating the paper prototyping as a part of the assignment
Paper prototyping
Below at display is a video of the interactive prototype. This video was sent to the teachers for demonstrating the interactive prototype as a part of the assignment The purpose was to demonstrate how I used FIGMA and explain my process while making the interactive prototype.