Region örebro län
Analysis (assignment 2) and re-design (assignment 3) of parts of Region Örebro län´s website.
The assignment (2)
This assignments primary task is to analyze Region Örebro County’s website,, from a information architecture perspective. The main goal was to look over if there was any shortage regarding the website´s information architecture and if there was any attention needed, such as improvements and/or restructure/adding/removing parts of the website. We were three students working together on this assignment. In this specific assignment two of us (myself included) worked on analysizing the website and writing the essay while one of us gave the report/essay it´s structure and spelling correction etc. You can find the final report here.
The assignment (3)
This assignments primary task was to create an prototype while learning and using WordPress as a tool for redesigning the website we´ve been analyzing in assignment 2. As any project have constraints, such as timeframe, financing or other limitations, this project has, mostly considering the timeframe of the course, been focusing mostly on the start page of the website. We were three students working together on this assignment. This also means we contributed to the final result in different ways. Two of us (myself included) was focusing on writing the essay/report, while the third person in the group focused on creating content in WordPress, with the changes we concluded in the report from assignment 2. You can find the final report here.
Region Örebro län
Region Örebro County,, governs the area known as Örebro County, which consists of twelve different municipalities in southern Svealand. According to their own website, the region is a politically controlled organization, which means that it is the residents who choose who will govern the region through regular elections (Örebro County Region, 2023). As with all public elections and organizations, transparency is important in order to increase or maintain trust in the governing and the work being carried out, which is achieved, among other things, with the website as a type of communication channel. The website also provides the opportunity for a dialogue between residents and the county council, and may possibly be the only form of contact that reaches some of the residents. Despite this, there is a need for improvement of Region Örebro County’s website, namely regarding the information architecture with its navigation and labeling of content.
Our findings and conclusions
Region Örebro County´s website organisations scheme is ambigous. This means that the website collects the content in different categories that can be interpreted in different ways by the user, which in turn means that it is important to categorize the information in a way that makes it easy for the user to understand what kind of content is in each category. The purpose of an ambiguous schema is to group and categorize content in an intellectual and meaningful way. An ambigous organisation scheme is suitable for the websites users, in our opinion.
(The information is partly perceived to be organized in a logical way because the content of the topics is separated from each other and under most of the headings in the six initial boxes, ses figure 1, only information connected to the specific topic is included. On the other hand, there is a slightly worse experience of the organization of the information during the latter half of the website’s home page.)
Here at display a few of the changes we made using WordPress. For more examples, you can click here.
As seen the global navigation is always visible for easy acess. The search bar has a new design. ”Aktuellt” is categorized into ”Aktuellt” and ”Artiklar”. *
*The content in the original ”Aktuellt” has changed between the assignment and me finalizing and putting together this material.
As seen a local navigation is added to the webpage to help increase the websites usability and findability.
Examinators comment/feedback: “The report clearly highlights drawbacks of the original website/…/ It provides a comprehensive and critical reflection on design changes /…/ This makes your analysis stronger, grounded, and non-subjective. The prototype is well implemented. It is technically well constructed, and has good accuracy /…/ Impressive work!”